Wednesday, June 10, 2009

No Fucking Way: salary disparity edition

White men paid more for same work, better-liked by management, hired more frequently than white women or people of color of either gender.

the world is turning,
Scarface is underrated and is from Texas,
ice cream is good, and
I make the pouty face when my team loses.

"In satisfaction surveys, store customers and medical patients say they prefer white men, and managers frequently hire and set pay based on customer preferences.

In (a) study, researchers at four business schools showed study subjects a video featuring either a black male, a white female, or a white male actor playing the role of an employee helping a customer. Those viewing the white male were 19 percent more satisfied with the employee's performance, and they were also more satisfied with the store's cleanliness and appearance....
(The) actors demonstrated the same scripted behaviors, and the store background, camera angles and lighting were identical.

'Customers, from students buying textbooks to patients in an examining room, are consistently biased in favor of white men,' and '(because) customer satisfaction is critical for organizational survival, business owners and managers will hire white men when possible and will pay lower salaries to the women and minorities they do hire.'"

See, for me, the question of whether a black man or a white man is more helpful is totally situational.

(Nice sweatshirt, dun. Maryland twerps is more like it.
Ha, I make a joke at your expense!)

Some white men, of course, I find to be extremely helpful. These men could help me find things in a store and I bet you I'd give that store's cleanliness and appearance very high marks.

Chief-of-Staff helpful.

And in this case, the stats would've gotten all mixed up if they used me for the study cuz I find this white man and this black man both verrrry helpful.

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