Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mighty Mos has a catlike ability to see at night, vibrates, is in my pocket, etc.

[Real quick, and unrelated to this post: I would do bad things for this instro.
Kee & Zee, nicely done!]

Spank Rock + Mos Def, Interview mag:

SR: What are the main issues that you wanted to approach with this album?

MD: Life, love, just observations. It's not a super-defined narrative, it's just raw... from a sincere place. Also, I feel like being into the beat of your own drum has become too prominent in the culture...

I have plans to stick around, even when I'm not around anymore (laughing). Even when I die I won't stay dead. The vibration is the key thing. If I'm not the hottest, then let me be vital. If you're necessary you'll always be in people's pockets.


MD: That's Brooklyn—the community caravan. We're just having a good time, man. Spread joy, spread love. We know how to operate with the lights out, actually. They turn them on, that's cool. We know how to get around quite well in the dark.


Pretty Flaco's Rainbow Coalition jam ("blanco, negro, latino/del mundo, cuando junto, que profundo!") cuz it's 2001 again, didn't you get the memo?

(I think it was '01, anyway. Maybe '00.)

Yall n---as wack in 1 language/son I'm nice in 2!
You don't know my sound?
we always win/we never lose...

1 comment:

danps said...

I just picked up "Casa Bey" so it reminded me to take you to task: While your music dork karma is strong the fact you could post on Mos and not mention his movie credit means your sci-fi/fantasy geek karma is weak indeed. I recommend a weekend with a first edition copy of the Dungeon Master's Guide as penance.