Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hemingway. Bardot/Birkin. Os Mutantes!

1. Porn for English majors.

"You know, it makes one feel rather good deciding not to be a bitch. It’s sort of what we have instead of God."

Ernest Hemingway -
The Sun Also Rises

People, there's a reason why I have an entire category on this web log called "A Lesbatronic Moment." Why hello there, ladies...

Bardot & Birkin.

Jones. Hendrix.

X. Michaux. Ali.

Evers. Horne.

Kurosawa. Coppola.

Jones. Strummer. Biafra.

Os Mutantes
are touring and I'm in. Also, Kurt Cobain wanted them to reunite in the '90s so they could tour with Nirvana. Had this event actually occurred, I would have shouted Next levels! from the rooftop and thanked the music gods/goddesses.

I see my future, and I am at the Echoplex, and it's August 28, and I look really cute in my jeans/heels uniform and I've gained 10 lbs, and when a dude comes up to me who I don't want to talk to, I pretend I only speak Portuguese! Yay.

"A Minha Menina"

A lua prateada se escondeu
E o sol dourado apareceu
Amanheceu um lindo dia
Cheirando a alegria
Pois eu sonhei
E acordei pensando nela
Pois ela é minha menina
E eu sou o menino dela
Ela é o meu amor
E eu sou o amor todinho dela

(The silver moon, the golden sun, the beautiful morning, waking up to your lovely girl; she's your love, and you love her. You don't really need the translation though, right? Just press play and it's all so clear. Swoon.)


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