Monday, July 13, 2009

Because no one would ever/Think like I think, and do what I do

Me too, Ghost! ME TOO.


Pride: Deadly Sin or Social Lubricant?

Feeling proud makes people more dominant and likable in social tasks

Showin off makes your fellow humans like you more, as long as you don't act all bitchy about it and get obnoxious with telling us about your greatness.
(I do not know where this imaginary line is--the bitchy line--but I think it stops right after BDP's "I'm Still #1" and starts at Jim Jones saying "Ballinnnnn" like a complete jackass.

"Think back to the last time that you beat a friend at a card game or outdid your previous record in a 5K race. Did you try to suppress your satisfaction so that others wouldn’t think you were conceited? In fact, new research suggests that pride, as long as it stems from a real success and doesn’t slide into know-it-all obnoxiousness or narcissism, not only pushes us to keep trying hard but actually makes others like us more.

'Contrary to the idea that pride is an emotion that we should tamp down, the experience of pride can be very socially adaptive,' says Lisa Williams (of) Northeastern University and the new study’s lead author. She and Northeastern psychologist David DeSteno found that people who were told they had excelled on a spatial rotation task subsequently took more control over a similar, team-based task, regardless of their mood or how competent they reported feeling. Both teammates and outside observers rated proud participants as more dominant and as more likable than participants who had not been tricked into feeling proud.

Other research has shown that feeling pleased with yourself tends to change a person’s subtle nonverbal behaviors—for example, triggering more smiling or a more confident posture.*"


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