Beacause this is my favorite blog, i thought you would be interested in Mats Nileskär. He's my favorite soul/hiphop journalist and every sunday he's got a new artist which he delicatly dissects. So if you have a couple of minutes to spare, i urge you to look it up.
Listen to this Busta Rhymes special. The real interwiew starts about 15 minutes in, when Mats think that Busta reminds him of Dizzy Gillespie.
I heard he wanted to collaborate with Premier and Pete Rock on his next album. "...that New York sound, and that ’90s sound. I really wanna get in on that.”
Thank you both for commenting, gentlemen! Sorry I was so late with posting the comments. If I were the cussing type, I might say something like "Fuckin Blogger"...
Caramel complected/body like heaven (ummm no). Your favorite nerdy bikini-clad sarcasm peddler.
Tomboyish tendencies in a girly package.
Music nerd making my way in the world. The more emotion I put into it/the harder I rock.
I bow at the altar of Phil Spector, Rick Rubin, and Large Pro.
I find that I can amuse myself to no end. I got front & back, and side to side. I am a real person and NOT viral marketing for Stones Throw. I also have a government job so please don't tell too many people I'm in my bathing suit on the Internet.
Nothin else to tell, really.
Beacause this is my favorite blog, i thought you would be interested in Mats Nileskär. He's my favorite soul/hiphop journalist and every sunday he's got a new artist which he delicatly dissects. So if you have a couple of minutes to spare, i urge you to look it up.
Listen to this Busta Rhymes special. The real interwiew starts about 15 minutes in, when Mats think that Busta reminds him of Dizzy Gillespie.
"this fucking guy"
I heard he wanted to collaborate with Premier and Pete Rock on his next album.
"...that New York sound, and that ’90s sound. I really wanna get in on that.”
Thank you both for commenting, gentlemen! Sorry I was so late with posting the comments. If I were the cussing type, I might say something like "Fuckin Blogger"...
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