This is ohhhh about a year old, but what can you do. I've been busy, very busy, with buying new records and bikinis and doing crosswords and planning my WaxPo takeover and hating and loving with childlike enthusiasm. Also, my goddamn fantasy football team took a lot of time and energy. (I'm not being ironic here)*.
Anyway, I really, really need the instrumental of this. I don't think you understand. I don't have it and that is quite a problem for me. Make me wanna holler, the way they do my life! Next time I see HouseShoes chain-smoking at the Do-Over, I'm gonna ask him for the instro. I know he has it in his mom's basement somewhere in Michigan.
(Thank you for putting me up on game, Jackson!)
* I had Minnesota's defense, which actually worked out pretty well for me. And my buddy Michael Turner got me so, SO many points, I don't know how I can ever repay him. This made up for the fact that Kellen Winslow had a non-stop tummyache that prevented him from playing for most of the season, and the fact that Heath Miller decided to start catching the ball at the very end of the season--in the Super Bowl.
Caramel complected/body like heaven (ummm no). Your favorite nerdy bikini-clad sarcasm peddler.
Tomboyish tendencies in a girly package.
Music nerd making my way in the world. The more emotion I put into it/the harder I rock.
I bow at the altar of Phil Spector, Rick Rubin, and Large Pro.
I find that I can amuse myself to no end. I got front & back, and side to side. I am a real person and NOT viral marketing for Stones Throw. I also have a government job so please don't tell too many people I'm in my bathing suit on the Internet.
Nothin else to tell, really.
I got you.
My google fu is impeccable.
RAFSKIS FOR THE WIN. THANK YOU! I wanna be friends with it!
well i got you too.
whats ironic is that i leaked this instrumental a longggg time ago as a bonus track on
Soops. You can get me in other ways, don't worry. You're hoarding multiple good tracks/instros to share with me, yes?
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