Saturday, April 25, 2009

"I used to hustle, now all I do is relax & strive/

when I was young I was a fan of the Jackson 5."

"It's 1991...hey crew, let's make an album that will change Logan's life,
and the game at large."

Andrew tells me that Illmatic is the next 33 1/3 book!

See, you guys, this is why hatchetmen are so handy to have.
I have people who care about me and text me with breaking news like this because they understand that I'm SO '90s and that is lovely.
It's great being me.

You need more people and then maybe you'd be constantly up on things, so many things, like I am.
Thanks Andrewwwww!

Most of my favorite things in life are in this photograph.
One's Illmatic should not bake in the sun; I'm being bad.


rafi said...

Growing up in Brooklyn I had this Israeli friend and his family would eat Nutella on pita bread all day everyday.

Logan said...

TOASTED SOURDOUGH, Rafs! This is America!
