Sunday, April 19, 2009

logan_melissa @T.I.: Get 'em, boo boo!

T.I. is not a Twitter twerp and that's one more way he's captured my heart and therefore we shall be together for ever and ev-errrrrr. Swoon.

(It's ok for me to be on there, mind you. Let's not get carried away. I just don't care for dudes that need to tell the world that they're, I don't know, climbing a tree or something. Or still in line at the Coffee Bean, or their mom's pancakes are OMG to diiiie for, or there's mad traffic on Fountain, or whatever. Kindly be quiet. Just do your thing and stop shouting about it. A certain bikini-clad blogger finds nothing appealing about your self-centered exhibitionism. Keep that up, sirs, and you're gonna earn yourself a "Nobody Cares" report.)*

"I’m an old fashioned type of dude, I’ll write you a letter, hand it to a pigeon and let em fly it to you…" Amen, Tip.
A. Men.

All mah dudes who are on there now, just for the record, have used Twitter in a responsible and oh-so-masculine way. Hi fellas! Additionally, the irony of this web logger calling out dudes for being exhibitionist and self-absorbed on the Internets is not lost on me. However, I feel that I can make a convincing case for myself and shut down your argument. Let's get coffee sometime and discuss it.

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