I know there is a god, a force larger than myself, a hand guiding the universe because, really, it can't be a coincidence that I just found this 12" at Turntable Lab the same day I see the Mario pic. I would have a "so cute I think I just passed out" moment upon seeing the above image in real life on a real life street in NY.
I feel especially close to you guys so I'm giving you access to my innermost thoughts, such as the sequence that occurred when that Cocoa B's song first came out and I heard it on my car radio:
"Holy shit this is stupid."
"OMG whyyyy didn't I think of this!! Why didn't someone else think of this! NEXT LEVELS."
"Who produced this? That human just took the easy way out. No originality. Retarded."
"Who produced this???? MY LIFE IS NOW WORTH LIVING. Ear candy to the nth, now leaving Earth, nothing more to listen to, I have been to the top of the mountain." (It could be that I am occasionally bipolar and/or overly excited about music)
Super Brooklyn ( Original ) - Cocoa Brovas
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