Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"500 Days of Summer"

To have a dude respond to my musical tastes like dude in elevator does to girl in elevator...oh my god, shut it down and don't stop til you get enough and straight change the game and allothat. I don't need the ego boost or validation--I just want the sweet, fleeting moment in life. Throw in a few more individuals of color and take away some of the sulky white kids and you got yourself a little item I refer to as "Logan's fantasy movie trailer." Until that biopic with Andre 3000 playing Jimi Hendrix comes out for me to pleasure myself to, this is the one that fulfills me.
I need all the gentlemen in attendance to play your position and show a Smiths dork
with breasts and highlighted hair* some apreesh.

And in the darkened underpass, I thought oh god, my chance has come at last! But then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

didn't i see you on celtics girls dot com