Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not long is how long that this post took me (Abacus bonds edition)

This Goldman Sachs fraud business. The emails. Um, get that paper, I guess, but heed the word of Frank Lucas and don't wear shiny suits with big signs on 'em that say "arrest me." In 2010, this means don't electronically transmit evidence of your schemery for us all the analyze and point at later when you get collared. Nobody ever told these gentlemen that boasting and bragging is so gauche and I feel rather embarrassed for them. Amateur hour. Ugh. Anyway, "Cash from Chaos" might very well be an appropriate title for the conceptual album that follows this scandal, but since I live by the code of the Wu, I realized that there's a Tony Starks connection that makes everything else fade away:

"I've managed to sell a few abacus bonds to widows and orphans
that I ran into at the airport,
apparently these Belgians adore the complex investments.

This is a Ghosty lyric in its purest form, even if Ghosty doesn't know it yet. THE WU IS PRESENT IN ALL ASPECTS OF MY LIFE.

I've managed to sell a few abacus bonds
to widows and orphans that I ran into at the airport/
Apparently these Belgians adore
the complex investments.

(Over a snippet of Fugazi's "Greed" instrumental
, flipped & bounced. Abacus bonds. Complex investments. Widows, orphans, Belgians. This is slang that won't even be invented until 2014)

MINGUS. Call me. I've often been told that my body shape resembles a stand-up bass. Just sayin.


1 comment:

Zay said...

what were you smoking