Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Don't go to work; listen to Slayer"

"Group Wants to Make National Day of Slayer an Official U.S. Holiday"

"Brett Stevens, a member of the International Day of Slayer Task Forces, said 'Heavy metal music is the central belief of a culture that exists among us, and Slayer is the perfect spokesperson. We are a pluralistic nation composed of many cultures, some of which you're born into and some you choose. For many of us, metal becomes the only culture that makes sense to us, and it's only fair we get representation.'

Included in the package (with the petition) sent to Barack Obama was a copy of Reign in Blood. According to the organization, this is probably the first time that a Slayer album has made it into the White House. (Um, hello--Rutherford B. Hayes, anyone?)

The proclamation (LOL, I'm dying):

WHEREAS, Hessians are a legitimate elective culture that should be recognized with their own national day of celebration and

WHEREAS, Slayer is freaking awesome and one of the most influential metal bands in history and

WHEREAS, The theme of the National Day of Slayer is "Don't go to work, listen to Slayer," which reflects the imminent importance of Slayer in the lives of Hessians across America and

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barack Obama, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereby proclaim the day of June 6, 2009, as National Day of Slayer, saluting the valuable artistic contributions of the band Slayer and the legitimacy of the hessian culture that supports them. And I call upon all Americans to listen to Slayer on this day and every day hereafter."

The Prez liked "Angel of Death" and "Altar of Sacrifice" but felt that the rest of the album was sub-par, with lyrics that could have used more variety in subject matter and some better chord progression.
He did like Rubin's production, however.

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